High School

Why should you consider sending your child to IEL-HS?

High School today is dominated by peer relationships. This, indeed, is what many people recognize as a main benefit of the "High School experience." But we believe this emphasis is not the best for our children. In 1 Kings 12:8, Solomon's son Rehoboam "abandoned the counsel that the old men gave him and took counsel with the young men who had grown up with him." And this foolish decision to reject the advice of wise mentors in favor of his peers led to the downfall and loss of much of the kingdom that Solomon had built over the years. 

As our children progress through High School they need to be assisted in the process of becoming adults. They do not gain this from their peers, but from parents and other mentors who have the wisdom of Scripture and life experience to offer them. At IEL-HS our small class sizes and high academic and behavioral standards lend themselves to prioritizing this kind of mentorship from teachers and other wise adults in the community.  

Unlike the public school, we teach our students the best way to live as dear children of God. We add to that much knowledge and rich experiences that will likely rival or surpass the experiences they would have in the public school. But make no mistake about it: Our main purpose is not to prepare our children for success in their careers, but to teach them how to live faithful and effective lives as Christians in this world.

Below is a summary of the High School curriculum as IEL-HS:



Students will study all the books of the Bible, and the basic doctrines of the Christian Faith from the Lutheran Confessions

Great Books, & Rhetoric

Students will study the Great Books of the Western World in their historical context (Omnibus I-VI); and will apply the wisdom of the ages in speech and debate as they discuss the big issues of life in our world. 

History & Geography

Students will develop a comprehensive understanding of the history and the historic and contemporary geography of the world.

Classical Languages

Students will study Latin (Wheelock) and Biblical Greek grammar. Students will read and translate passages from the Bible and classical literature.



Students will study Algebra , Geometry, and Advanced Mathematics. Advanced students may also begin their study of Calculus.


Students will study and practice the scientific method and learn the basics of  Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Human Anatomy.


Students will study the history of classical art and artists and will learn to practice the basic techniques of art and design utilized by classical artists. 


Students will study the basics of music theory through hymnody, the history of classical music and musicians, and learn to compose simple musical pieces.


Life Skills

Students will gain practical, hands-on knowledge of skills that are necessary and helpful for life, including job skills, traditional home-economics and shop, life-saving, survival, personal finance and more. 


Students will study the basics of health and nutrition and challenge themselves to maintain a sound body through healthy habits, personal physical fitness practices and sports.

Mission & Vocation

Students will study vocation as a calling from God, and will explore God's purpose for their own lives. A special emphasis will be given to the vocations of family (husband, wife, parent) and church-worker (pastor, teacher, missionary, etc.)

Field Work

Students will study beyond the classroom through a variety of trips and experiences locally, regionally, and internationally, which will enhance and complement their classwork and prepare them for a life of service to their neighbor in the world.